Thursday, August 24, 2006

Harald Luft's House

Not a great picture - we were hoping for a real photo but this gives an idea. We're still undecided as to whether we should go for the loft or two rooms on the 1st floor. Apparently we have our own fridge, and electricity/heat etc is included in our very acceptable rent.

We also booked the ferry last night from Dover to Calais - a steal at only £30!

Friday, August 18, 2006

The email that changed everything

Ross received an email yesterday from Mr Luft, a music teacher at his placement school. And it said...........

Hallo, Herr Porter,ich freue mich, eine Nachricht von Ihnen zu erhalten; Frau Baesig hat mich informiert.Gerne koenen Sie mit Ihrer Freundin kommen, wenn Ihnen das Quartier zusagt, das ich anbieten kann: Ich wohne allein in einem Reihenhaus mit drei Stockwerken. Es sind drei Zimmer frei: Ein großes Dachzimmer, das man so einrichten kann, dass man einen Schlafbereich und einen Wohnbereich hat. Wenn Sie lieber zwei abgetrennte Zimmer haben möchten (ein Wohnzimmer und ein Schlafzimmer), dann können Sie zwei Zimmer im ersten Stock benutzen.Leider habe ich kein separates Badezimmer, aber wenn Sie einverstanden Sind, koennen Sie beide mein Badezimmer mitbenutzen.Wenn Sie es wuenschen, kann ich Ihnen Grundrisse der Zimmer schicken.Mit freundlichen GruessenHarald Luft

And with the help of, it reads........................

Hello, Mr. Porter, I please me to receive a message of you; woman Baesig has come me informed gladly koenen you with your friend if you the quarters accepts, that I can offer: I live alone in a rowhouse with three floors. Three rooms are free: A large roof room that one so can arrange that one has a sleep area and a living area. If you would like to have rather two detached rooms, (a living room and a bedroom), you can use have two rooms in the first cane unfortunately I no separate bathroom, but if you are agreed, you can use jointly both my bathroom if you wish it, can send I you outline of the rooms with friendly GruessenHarald airs

Ross and I quickly ran down the pub to celebrate. This means that should I get to Germany and not find a job, Ross won't be stuck with a lease he cannot afford to pay. We are so grateful to Mr Luft for allowing us to live with him. It has reassured us and now we're able to get really excited about Germany.

Only 3 weeks to go until we leave. Also I have an interview with a Language School in Erlangen on the 11th Sept. So things are finally looking up for us!