Saturday, December 09, 2006

General update

Hi all,

Computer has been playing up recently so we haven't been able to do much since our Berlin post. We also came home the weekend after we went to Berlin for Ross's Dad's 50th birthday party. It was really great to see everyone!

We are coming home again on 21st Dec and stay until 6th Jan. Hope to see everyone while we are back. There just wasn't enough time this trip.

We are meeting up with the other assistants Laura & Louise tomorrow to have our own Xmas party. Laura is cooking up a feast of various dishes, and we also arranged a Secret Santa between us. I'm really looking forward to it.

Went to the Nuremberg Xmas market on Monday, and it was ok but slightly disappointing. Most of the stalls sold tree decorations, or extra small household objects like kettles or garden rakes but they were only big enough for the Borrowers! I don't know why they were popular.

Other than that, we've just been getting ready for Xmas. We have two christmas concerts coming up that Harald (the guy we live with) is conducting. One is the kids from Ross's School and the other is a gospel one.

I will post some pics of the 50th birthday party and xmas party once the computer is sorted.

J x