Friday, January 26, 2007

We've got snow!

Tuesday evening the snow started, just as we had finished a little shopping at Kaufland. Soon, there was enough coverage to make that crunchy sound when you walk. We were so excited that we got our coats on at 11pm and went for a walk.

They next day, Ross got up early to go to school and I lay in bed trying to get some sleep before a 7pm start at Wheelers. Ross insisted I get up (at 8am!) to at least look at the snow. We'd had at least 4 inches in the night and it was covering everything. It looked really beautiful. Although I had a long night ahead of me, I got dressed immediately and plodded around in the back garden. It was so thick, it was reaching my ankles and storing itself in my upturned jeans. I shovelled the front steps and path like a proper Bubenreuth resident and then took the plough to the back garden and proceeded to make a snow mountain, which I was hoping would turn into a snowman.

Coming from Bournemouth, where we get little to no snow, I forgot how difficult and tiring snowman making is. Unfortunately the snow was too fluffy so I gave up and retreated back to the warmth of the house.

Now that everyone has been out in the snow, either by car, foot, bike or sledge, it has made it extremely slushy and brown. It has also remained cold with a regular minus 2 temperature so it's also created icy roads. My hiking boots were comfortable for the first day of snow but I also wore them to work and now my skin in sore. Without them I am stuck with trainers which don't provide any warmth or have a great non-slip sole. Getting to work has also been hard, and I've been late for two shifts in a row now because Deutche Bahn can't run their trains on time or provide informative notices.

So I think the overall view for this weather is, it makes everything pretty and you feel like you're in a winter wonderland, but when is the damn stuff gonna melt!

Monday, January 22, 2007

Loads of new photos now on webshots!

Go to:, and you'll find Duncan's 50th, Registry Xmas Party, New Years, and lots more!

As Ross' previous post states, I have a job now. Wheelers is a British Pub in town, and I'm really enjoying it. All the staff are great and I've been given a great welcome. At the moment I am part time but they are looking to take me on full time soon.

We had a great Xmas, and we were really lucky to get home because of the fog in England. Out of 9 flights from Munich to Heathrow on the 21st December we were on 1 of the 2 that actually made it. We had a few hours delay in Munich Airport but we killed time in their Christmas Market which even had an ice rink.

Other than a great Christmas & New Year, we haven't been up to much since we came back to Germany. We've both been working and still take the odd trip to Nurnberg. We're off to Furth tomorrow which is on the way to Nurnberg.

Love Jo x

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Jo has a new job!

Wow- a long time since we updated this! But before we write an update about all we've been up to, I just want to take this opportunity to say congratulations to Jo, who has found herself a new job.

She is working as a barmaid in a British pub in Erlangen town centre called "Wheelers". She's had the job about a week or so now and appears to be enjoying herself there. The Germans seem to tip fairly generously so it makes standing all day worthwhile for her!

If you want to see where she's working for yourself, check out

Well done darling, I knew you'd find something and I hope you really enjoy working there!

Ross x