Monday, September 25, 2006

Visit to Herrenchiemsee

We left the house at 6.30am yesterday & Harald drove us to the Chiemsee (a lake in lower Bavaria) where we took a boat to a small island for the morning. It was very beautiful and quiet. Didn't take us long to walk around the island. After lunch we took another boat to Herrenchiemsee to see the Royal Palace owned by King Ludwig II of Bavaria.

The castle was never finished as the King ran out of money. He also didn't spend alot of time in this castle and only slept for 8 nights in his bedroom. We had a guided tour around the castle and each room was amazing. So much detail into every inch of the room. The King died in 1886 and the tour guide told us that his death is a mystery. However, Harald informed us that King Ludwig is still very much loved in Bavaria and they don't like to admit that he committed suicide. He walked down to the lake to kill himself and his doctor followed to try to stop him and Ludwig killed the doctor then himself.

His Palace was to be a replica of Versailles as he loved and admired Louis XIV whose palace he had visited in 1867 and 1874.

Unfortunately we were not allowed to take pictures inside the palace but I took lots of pictures of the outside as well as the surrounding areas, and island we had visited in the morning.

Very long day and everyone was early to bed that night.

Take a look at the photos of Herrenchiemsee at

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, I'm anonymous! Anonymous of bournemouth. Hi jo and ross,its Lesley here, bloggs and photos are great.It looks gorgeous over there, weather here has been pretty unseasonal layely, went out to a bbq sunday evening, it was a brilliant night,no need for coats etc, no wind. Set to be a bit wetter later this week. we have been talking about when to come over, we want to plan in advance to take advantage of cheap fares if poss.
Andy and chris are getting married on the 21st October!Told him it was a bit hasty, they've only been together 20 years!
Keep blogging, will probably be an intermittent viewer as am a bit rubbish at checking e-mails! xxx Lsl