Monday, November 20, 2006

Weekend in Berlin

So we got back from Berlin late on Sunday, very tired after a long journey. We left Berlin at 3.55pm and arrived home at about 9pm. It's amazing how tired you can get from just sitting down for 5 hours!

My friend Oli, from uni, flew over from his placement in Vienna and joined us there and the 3 of us had a great weekend. It was nice to catch up with people from home too.

Berlin is a really beautiful city and the word of the weekend very quickly became "Ooh look!". It's a very modern place, totally different to the Berlin of 20 years ago that you see in all the pictures. Right in the centre of Berlin in what was once wasteland running on along either side of the wall is now Potsdamer Platz, an ultra-modern area with skyscrapers and the new "Sony Centre" which is kind of like a large tent with a glass roof.

The path that the wall took is marked by a line of bricks sunk into the ground that runs right through the city, and we had great fun jumping from East to West in a rather childlike manner! However, apart from this, and the odd sections of wall that still remain as a memorial, there is no sign whatsoever that of most of the history from the mid 20th centuary took place right here.

The 3 of us basically acted like tourists for the weekend, doing all the touristy things with cameras stuck to our faces. I even had the video camera over my shoulder the whole time! But we were quite efficient with the little time we had there and so managed to see the Reichstag, Brandenburg Gate, Checkpoint Charlie, and the cathedral, not to mention the countless monuments to victims of war, the holocaust, terrorism and anything else you can think of.

The most interesting thing was the Reichstag, which is the German government building. On top of it they have built a huge glass dome, and visitors can go up on to the roof and then climb the dome. (picture above). It gave great views of the city and was free too! I just keep laughing at the prospect of thousands of tourists wandering around the roof of the Houses of Parliament!

Checkpoint Charlie was also very interesting and there is a museum there with lots of memorabelia from escape attempts (mostly successful) from East Berlin. It also had the famous original sign from the border "YOU ARE NOW LEAVING THE AMERICAN SECTOR" which was good to see.

So all in all a really enjoyable weekend. We have Oli to thank for being able to see so many things as he had us up at 7am both mornings (regardless of the amount of alcohol consumed the night before!) and much as we protested it certainly meant that we made good use of the time.

Ross x
See updated photos online: . Sorry for the huge amount of Berlin!

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Computer fixed

Ross fixed the computer! He bought an external hard drive and removed everything and is still in the process of putting it all back on again but we at least have the internet. I was also introduced to Spider Solitaire which I have become so addicted to. I played for so long the other evening that when I went to bed and Ross put his arm around me I was convinced his arm was the 10 of hearts and I needed a 9 of hearts to move it (?)

We are off to Berlin this Friday and I am so excited. I will have my ipod charged and ready to entertain me for the 4 or so hours it takes on the train. Not that bad really I thought it would've been nearer 6. I am also excited about going home in less than 2 weeks. I can't wait to see everyone.

Happy 50th Birthday to Duncan, hope you had a great day! I look forward to joining in the celebrations for your birthday on the 25th Nov.


Sunday, November 05, 2006

Computer is down!

Unfortunately the computer is unwell and we cant log on to the internet. We only just got it to switch on after alot of fiddling around and help from Harald.

We used it over a week ago to check emails before we went to bed and it hasn't worked since. We have found a nice internet cafe so will come here as often as poss. Its very frustrating, but hopefully we will figure out the problem soon.

The keyboard for this internet cafe PC is different than the UK or US version. The Y is on the bottom row, and the @ sign isn't in the handy little place by my right pinky. My hands are actually starting to hurt as I am straining them to press the right keys. There are also a few unsavouries about so I will ask Ross if we can go now.


Love Jo xxxx