Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Computer fixed

Ross fixed the computer! He bought an external hard drive and removed everything and is still in the process of putting it all back on again but we at least have the internet. I was also introduced to Spider Solitaire which I have become so addicted to. I played for so long the other evening that when I went to bed and Ross put his arm around me I was convinced his arm was the 10 of hearts and I needed a 9 of hearts to move it (?)

We are off to Berlin this Friday and I am so excited. I will have my ipod charged and ready to entertain me for the 4 or so hours it takes on the train. Not that bad really I thought it would've been nearer 6. I am also excited about going home in less than 2 weeks. I can't wait to see everyone.

Happy 50th Birthday to Duncan, hope you had a great day! I look forward to joining in the celebrations for your birthday on the 25th Nov.


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