Tuesday, April 10, 2007

I've got an interview in Paris!

Well, unfortunately our time in Germany is rapidly coming to an end, so I've been using my spare time over the previous weeks to look for a job in France. I've mostly been looking for English-teaching jobs, although we did consider the idea of becoming tourguides/waiters on a barge for a while!

Anyway, I applied for a job at NDS in Paris (they are something to do with TV encryption) which is owned by Fox Media. They phoned me up and gave me a telephone interview, and then gave me the fantastic news that they would pay for me to go to Paris for a proper interview!!

Naturally, this is a real chore. Obviously I have much better things to do than go on a free trip to Paris, but they managed to twist my arm, so I accepted! (I am of course joking and was very very happy to oblige!). So now I'm just waiting for them to give me an exact date.

Jo and I are planning to make the most of this, and throw in some extra money to get her a ticket, and also to pay for a hostel for a couple of nights. So we'll get to spend the weekend in Paris for next to nothing! Naturally we're very excited!

So that's the good news of this week anyway!

Ross x

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