Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Parental visit #3

Recently, we managed to prove how popular we are with our 3rd set of visitors in just over a month! Dad and Les flew over on the 3rd of May to pay us a visit, and we had a really great time with them.

They were here for about 4 days, and we did the standard "visitors' tour", which we are now experts at giving, this being the 3rd time! This included Nürnberg, Bamberg, and obviously Erlangen. However, with Dad and Les being the fitness freaks that they are, their visit also included a jolly jaunt in Fränkische Schweiz. But this was really just to counter the huge amount of alcohol and food that we consumed while they were here!

All in all, a thoroughly good time was had by all - just hope they enjoyed it as much as we did!

Ross x

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