Saturday, September 16, 2006

A little home sick already!

Well Ross is still away, and Harald is out alot so the feelings of homesickness have come sooner than planned.

I visited Nuremberg today and it was beautiful. I cant upload any pictures til Ross gets back though. It only took about 25 minutes on a slow train, if I took a train from Erlangen it would be quicker but I get the slower one as it means I can leave straight from Bubenreuth. It was really busy as Nurnerg FC were playing. Their football shirts actually look similar to Bournemouth. I heard alot of English/American accents which was a sight for sore, um ears?

The temperature hasn't really gone below 20c yet. Its mid to late 20's most days and it hasn't properly rained yet either. Our sitting room is coming together. I'll put some photos of our pad on the site soon. I have moved alot of stuff into the sitting room to try and make it look homely. We've got our TV and DVD up and running, I just really miss British TV. I tried to go to Channel 4 on the internet to watch Lost but they wont let me because they only transmit in the UK!!!

So HMV vouchers for Xmas then and I can buy the whole season!!

J xxx

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