Friday, September 15, 2006

We're here!

Sorry I didn't post sooner. Anyway, we are here and you've probably had my email. Ross has gone to Koln for 5 days (!) for his Induction Course, so I am all alone. Luckily we had enough time together before he left for us to figure out the buses and trains. They are still slightly confusing but we are getting there. I may spend some time down the Tourist Office and bend their ear about everything.

I'm addicted to Kaufland which is a massive three floor supermarket in Erlangen. It has everything you could ever want or need. We have ActivMarkt in Bubenreuth which is a good size and has most items but Kaufland is the best! We've been eating well, and it seems Ross has had some interesting meals at his Induction. Along with Ross there are around 8 other vegetarians and apparently they eat in a different room to everyone else! I will get Ross to post about his time away.

I have loaded up the photos we've taken so far on my webshots site, so take a look -

I hope to go to Nurnberg tomorrow as Ross wants me to give him the tour when we go together later on. Its only 15 mins on the train so I'm not going far. Speaking of trains, you wont believe the speed they go at. I really hate being at the station when one zooms by which isn't scheduled to stop. Its quite unbelievable!

Tale care

J x

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