Monday, September 25, 2006

Visit to Herrenchiemsee

We left the house at 6.30am yesterday & Harald drove us to the Chiemsee (a lake in lower Bavaria) where we took a boat to a small island for the morning. It was very beautiful and quiet. Didn't take us long to walk around the island. After lunch we took another boat to Herrenchiemsee to see the Royal Palace owned by King Ludwig II of Bavaria.

The castle was never finished as the King ran out of money. He also didn't spend alot of time in this castle and only slept for 8 nights in his bedroom. We had a guided tour around the castle and each room was amazing. So much detail into every inch of the room. The King died in 1886 and the tour guide told us that his death is a mystery. However, Harald informed us that King Ludwig is still very much loved in Bavaria and they don't like to admit that he committed suicide. He walked down to the lake to kill himself and his doctor followed to try to stop him and Ludwig killed the doctor then himself.

His Palace was to be a replica of Versailles as he loved and admired Louis XIV whose palace he had visited in 1867 and 1874.

Unfortunately we were not allowed to take pictures inside the palace but I took lots of pictures of the outside as well as the surrounding areas, and island we had visited in the morning.

Very long day and everyone was early to bed that night.

Take a look at the photos of Herrenchiemsee at

Friday, September 22, 2006

As promised

Here is a link to my webshots album that has the Nurnberg photos I promised to add once Ross returned -

There is also a file called Germany so far and I have added some more into this one. I will create a new folder each month for photos.

Will definitely have some pictures after this weekend as hopefully taking Ross to Nurnberg on Saturday and then Sunday Harald is driving us to an island in a lake near Munich and we will be visiting a nunnery and they might put on a concert! Sounds fantastic, we're both very excited.

I'll post again after the weekend to let you know what we did.


Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Happy Birthday Ross!

Its Ross's 22nd birthday today. So I just wanted to post to say.......


Love Jo xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Saturday, September 16, 2006

A little home sick already!

Well Ross is still away, and Harald is out alot so the feelings of homesickness have come sooner than planned.

I visited Nuremberg today and it was beautiful. I cant upload any pictures til Ross gets back though. It only took about 25 minutes on a slow train, if I took a train from Erlangen it would be quicker but I get the slower one as it means I can leave straight from Bubenreuth. It was really busy as Nurnerg FC were playing. Their football shirts actually look similar to Bournemouth. I heard alot of English/American accents which was a sight for sore, um ears?

The temperature hasn't really gone below 20c yet. Its mid to late 20's most days and it hasn't properly rained yet either. Our sitting room is coming together. I'll put some photos of our pad on the site soon. I have moved alot of stuff into the sitting room to try and make it look homely. We've got our TV and DVD up and running, I just really miss British TV. I tried to go to Channel 4 on the internet to watch Lost but they wont let me because they only transmit in the UK!!!

So HMV vouchers for Xmas then and I can buy the whole season!!

J xxx

Friday, September 15, 2006

We're here!

Sorry I didn't post sooner. Anyway, we are here and you've probably had my email. Ross has gone to Koln for 5 days (!) for his Induction Course, so I am all alone. Luckily we had enough time together before he left for us to figure out the buses and trains. They are still slightly confusing but we are getting there. I may spend some time down the Tourist Office and bend their ear about everything.

I'm addicted to Kaufland which is a massive three floor supermarket in Erlangen. It has everything you could ever want or need. We have ActivMarkt in Bubenreuth which is a good size and has most items but Kaufland is the best! We've been eating well, and it seems Ross has had some interesting meals at his Induction. Along with Ross there are around 8 other vegetarians and apparently they eat in a different room to everyone else! I will get Ross to post about his time away.

I have loaded up the photos we've taken so far on my webshots site, so take a look -

I hope to go to Nurnberg tomorrow as Ross wants me to give him the tour when we go together later on. Its only 15 mins on the train so I'm not going far. Speaking of trains, you wont believe the speed they go at. I really hate being at the station when one zooms by which isn't scheduled to stop. Its quite unbelievable!

Tale care

J x